An Eight Year Anniversary

This morning, I shipped out an order for size 'Orange B' — built to fit a 3 month waist with a 2T length. 

Let that sink in...

a 3 month waist with a 2T length.

Orange BI couldn't help but feel a little emotional shipping this out. Today marks an eight year anniversary for me. The day I became a mother, my daughter's 8th birthday.  

It took me whirling right back into the sonogram room with my husband sitting by my side. I was 35 weeks pregnant.

My doctor came in and delivered news we were not expecting. She had stopped growing. She needed to be delivered immediately. We were in shock. Up until then, there had been no complications with my pregnancy. 

I vividly remember sitting in the parking lot, calling my dad — crying. We were so scared. My entire family dropped everything and drove three hours to be there. 

She was born via emergency c-section at 7:25 that evening. 

IUGR_PreemieI heard her first cry. I was finally able to breath again. She weighed just shy of three pounds. Two pounds and 15 ounces. She was in the NICU for one month. The nurses assured me she would catch up.

She didn't.



If Pants for Peanuts was around when she was two, I'm sure she would have fit size Orange B.

Clothing has always been difficult for us.

I've grown to dread season changes. Wearing the same clothes from the year before... Shopping for bottoms that fit... Getting hand-me-downs from her peers and younger cousins. It's not supposed to be this way, I thought. I should be passing her clothes on to them. 

With time, it has gotten easier. I've come to terms with it. 

I'm sure many of my customers can identify with my story in some way. While Pants for Peanuts might be a business — it is also a community. A community of parents who understand the struggle. Whatever your reason for needing our pants, we are all connected. 

Happy Birthday to my peanut. Thank you for making me a momma. You are my reason. 


💚💙 Natalie (Mommy)


Pants for Peanuts | When Slim-Fit Isn't Slim Enough

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Have trouble finding pants for your child? Please check out our line of extra slim pants for kids! — When Slim-Fit Isn't Slim Enough! 


1 comment

  • Cynthia Gross

    Happy Birthday to your Sweet Peanut! She is a blessing, and obviously an inspiration to you! What a beautiful way to honor her, to start a business to help all the little girls like her!!! You two together have changed our world!
    My daughter was adopted from Korea at age approximately 2 or 3 years (birthdate unknown). She weighed 15 lbs 2 oz, and was too weak to walk. She had simple problems, very easy to fix: lice, scabies, tuberculosis, malnutrition. Within a week she gained a pound. But she remained tiny, and the “deprivational dwarfism” never completely resolved. Throughout her childhood I needed to rip apart and restructure her new clothes to fit. She grew strong but remained short and willow-thin. She is now almost 5 ft tall, married, with her own tiny peanut! Thanks to your efforts, my granddaughter knows and enjoys pants that fit her! Your achievement and business success has brought us all such joy! Heartfelt thanks for your excellent quality pants, which are a tribute to your daughter and to your own business success! Much Love, Cynthia

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